how are sweet proteins made

How are Sweet Proteins Made? The Process of Precision Fermentation Explained

In the grand symphony of flavors that dance on our tongues, sweetness plays the solo that steals the show. It’s the crescendo we crave, the melody we memorize.

But, like any grand performance, there’s an intricate behind-the-scenes process that brings this sweetness to center stage. Today, we're pulling back the curtain on a new star performer in the world of sweetness: sweet proteins.

Imagine indulging in the sweet bliss of your favorite treat, but without the health concerns, the guilt, or the environmental burden. Picture a world where sweetness is not just a momentary pleasure, but a sustainable, healthy delight. It may sound like a far-off dream, but this is the reality we're crafting at Oobli. And we can’t wait to share it with you.

How are sweet proteins made, though? You’re eager to discover the intricate process that goes into bringing this natural sweetener to life, and we’re excited to break it all down for you today.

We'll unveil how this magical compound can mimic the allure of sugar, without any of the downsides. You’ll get a glimpse of the fascinating process of precision fermentation, our secret to creating an endless supply of these sweet marvels. And, you'll discover how we infuse these proteins into our irresistible foods, drinks and treats, creating a symphony of flavors that’s not just sweet, but smart.

We’ve got a lot to cover, but we first need to set the stage by providing some context — what exactly are sweet proteins and why should you care about how they’re made?

First Things First — What Are Sweet Proteins and Why Are They So Special?

Before we lift the veil on the intricate process that brings sweet proteins to life, let's make sure we're all on the same page about what they are and why they deserve a standing ovation.

This revolutionary ingredient is more than just a new addition to the world of sweeteners — it's a game-changer, a standout performer that's set to redefine how we experience sweetness. And while it’s actually been here for thousands of years, we’re just now realizing what a profound difference it can make in our lives. Here are the basics behind sweet proteins.

A Brief Introduction to Sweet Proteins

Sweet proteins are nature’s little magic trick, a testament to the wonders of evolution. They are naturally occurring compounds found in certain exotic fruits.

A few noteworthy examples include the katemfe plant in West Africa, and Thaumatococcus daniellii, a West African rainforest herb. Then you have the oubli fruit, which is where our name comes from, paying homage to the Brazzein sweet protein used in our products.

Unlike sugar, which delivers sweetness along with a hefty dose of calories and health concerns, sweet proteins deliver a delightful dose of sweetness without any of the guilt or complications.

But here's the kicker: they don't just mimic sugar — they outperform it. Sweet proteins can be up to 5,000 times sweeter than sugar by weight! That means a little goes a long way, giving us the power to create deliciously sweet foods with a fraction of the material. And as you can imagine, there are a host of benefits that sweet proteins have to offer.

Benefits of Sweet Proteins

The benefits of sweet proteins extend beyond their extraordinary sweetness. They are the sweet treat your body, mind and planet have been longing for.

  • Physical Benefits: Sweet proteins offer a guilt-free way to satisfy your sweet tooth. They have no calories, no glycemic impact, no impact on your gut microbiome, and no bitter aftertaste. The digest and metabolize just like any other dietary protein. That means you can enjoy the sweetness you crave without worrying about blood sugar spikes, unwanted weight gain or negative impact to the microbiome.
  • Mental Benefits: With sweet proteins, you can say goodbye to the guilt that often comes with savoring sweet foods and treats. Indulge freely, knowing you're making a choice that aligns with your health goals. You can feel confident and comfortable treating yourself freely. After all, life is all about indulging in the little things.
  • Environmental Benefits: Sweet proteins are also a sustainable choice. At Oobli, we use precision fermentation to produce sweet proteins, a process that uses less land, water, and energy compared to traditional sugar farming. It's sweetness that you, and the planet, can feel good about, produce nature-identical sweet proteins.

We’ll expand more on this last point below as we get to the root of today’s conversation: how are sweet proteins made?

How Are Sweet Proteins Made?

Sweet proteins are a marvel of nature and science. Their journey from exotic fruits to your favorite treats is a captivating tale of innovation, precision, and a deep respect for nature. Let's uncover the steps in this journey — starting with a more detailed explanation of their origins.

Where Do Sweet Proteins Come From?

How are sweet proteins made? Not so fast…first, we need to take a drip deep in to the lush, tropical rainforests of West Africa and Southeast Asia.

Here, in the wild heart of nature, grow rare, exotic plants like the Curculigo latifolia and Thaumatococcus daniellii. These plants have evolved to produce sweet proteins, a way to entice animals to eat their fruit and disperse their seeds.

We touched on a few of these earlier, but now, we want to progress the conversation by showing you which specific plants produce which specific sweet proteins:

  • Thaumatin: Sourced from the katemfe plant's fruit in West Africa, this sweet protein exceeds the sweetness of sucrose by a staggering 2,000-3,000 times!
  • Monellin: This sweet protein is extracted from the serendipity berry, a fruit from the Dioscoreophyllum cumminsii shrub, native to West Africa.
  • Miraculin: This intriguing protein is obtained from the berries of the Miracle Fruit plant. While miraculin isn't inherently sweet, it has a unique ability to alter our taste perception, making sour and acidic foods taste sweet. Imagine biting into a lemon and savoring a sweet taste instead of a sour shock that leaves your lips puckered!
  • Brazzein: Derived from the oubli fruit, which can be found in West Africa, Brazzein is 500-2,000 times sweeter than sucrose. It's heat-stable and highly soluble, making it an ideal sweetener for various applications - like baking into sweet, healthy treats. More on that later.

At Oobli, we can use fermentation to create sweet proteins that are identical to what grows in the wild. With this blueprint, we've opened the door to producing sweet proteins on a scale that wouldn't be possible through farming alone.

But how are our nature-identical sweet proteins made? Precision fermentation.

What is Precision Fermentation and How Does it Work?

Precision fermentation is the next chapter in the story of sweet proteins. While it sounds like a scary technological or scientific term, it’s actually fairly straightforward, based on fermentation processes that humans have been using for thousands of years (think beer, wine and cheese making).

It's a process akin to brewing beer, but instead of yeast fermenting sugars into alcohol, we use it to ferment sugars into sweet proteins.

Once we've isolated the genes responsible for sweet proteins, we insert them into yeast. This modified yeast is then added to a fermentation tank filled with a nutrient-rich broth. As the yeast consumes the sugars in the broth, it produces sweet proteins, just like the original plants do.

After fermentation, the broth is filtered and purified, leaving behind the sweet proteins. The result? A high-purity, concentrated sweet protein ready to sweeten your favorite foods. That’s where the fun part begins…

Infusing Sweet Proteins Into Delicious Treats, Foods and Drinks

Sweet proteins are versatile and can be used in a variety of foods and drinks. They can be baked into cookies, blended into smoothies, or stirred into your morning coffee.

At Oobli, we've mastered the art of incorporating these proteins into a range of indulgent treats, like our sweet iced teas and chocolate bars, allowing you to enjoy the guilt-free sweetness in all its forms. We can’t wait to hear what you think of them after treating yourself to the magic of these sweet foods.

But before we bring this conversation to a close, let’s touch on the implications of our society moving away from sugar altogether in favor of healthier, more sustainable sweet proteins.

The Implications of Our Society Moving Away From Sugar

The shift towards sweet proteins isn't just a win for your tastebuds — it’s a potential revolution for our health and the planet. Reducing our reliance on sugar could help address widespread health issues like obesity and diabetes.

But, let’s look at the implications of shifting our sweetener production through a broader lens, examining the effect it could have on the world around us.

The ugly truth of sugar production is that it is resource-intensive and often involves deforestation, soil degradation, and water pollution. So much land is wasted on sugar production, and unfortunately, this ingredient that so many have come to know and love is deleterious to our population and planet all at once.

By contrast, precision fermentation uses less land, less water, and emits less carbon. This means we could reduce the environmental footprint of sweetness by taking a stance once and for all. And if you’re all in on sweet protein, you can taste the difference yourself at Oobli.

Taste the Difference with Oobli!

You've journeyed with us from the exotic jungles of West Africa to the precise science of our fermentation technology, discovering the magic of sweet proteins. Now, it's time to put your taste buds to the ultimate test. It's time to experience the Oobli difference firsthand!

At Oobli, we believe in the power of sweet proteins to change the world of food as we know it. Our mission is to make sweetness healthier and more sustainable, without sacrificing the joy it brings. And, we’re excited to introduce you Oobli's game-changing sweet iced teas and guilt-free chocolate bars.

These all-natural, healthy delicacies are proof that we're on to something extraordinary. Every bite is a celebration of taste and health — a testament to the potential of sweet proteins.

You can enjoy the familiar comfort of chocolate with a whole new level of sweetness that's kinder to your body and the planet. Who said spoiling yourself with tasty treats had to be accompanied by guilt?

When you shop at Oobli, you are immersed in the guilt-free, flavor-packed wonder that only sweet proteins can offer. So, head over to explore our catalog and find your new favorite treat.

Final Thoughts on How Sweet Proteins Are Made

As you can see, the process behind how sweet proteins are made paints a picture of natural, sustainable goodness. Pairing the right fruits with precision fermentation creates a delicious sweetener that’s not just better for you — it’s better for the environment.

We hope this conversation has provided you with clarity on what goes on behind the scenes here at Oobli, and encourages you to take the first step in transforming your health and happiness for the better. Check out our products and discover what you’ve been missing out on all this time. You won’t regret it!

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